2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M      Y O G A
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e
Andre Stadler is concerned with clarifying questions of spiritual self- knowledge, the interrelationship of man-nature-time-space and the influence of higher dimensions on our lives. His recent personal insights into the healing qualities of trees on the human body, soul and spirit have opened up a new page of long-known and today neglected knowledge for him, which he is willing to share with other people on the basis of his personal experience. An attempt at an explanation from the perspective of a mechanical engineer. If you are interested and are from the Stuttgart area, you can write to him directly: info@kraftjagd .de
Dieter Reiter has been practising tree shamanism for over 40 years. During his studies of philosophy and Sanskrit, he discovered fragments of ancient knowledge from the time of Pythagoras, which he traced back through ancient Greece and Persia to antiquity. After studying more than 5,000 books and several ancient teachings, he succeeded in systematising the scattered references and summarising them into a compact unit. At the same time, he refers to ancient shamanic knowledge and regards it as scientifically verifiable. In a scientific manner, he succeeds in conveying the ancient knowledge in simple language. info@baum-yoga.de
Nature- and seminar-coachs
2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M  Y O G A
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e
Andre Stadler is concerned with clarifying questions of spiritual self-knowledge, the interrelationship of man- nature-time-space and the influence of higher dimensions on our lives. His recent personal insights into the healing qualities of trees on the human body, soul and spirit have opened up a new page of long-known and today neglected knowledge for him, which he is willing to share with other people on the basis of his personal experience. An attempt at an explanation from the perspective of a mechanical engineer. If you are interested and are from the Stuttgart area, you can write to him directly: info@kraftjagd .de
Dieter Reiter has been practising tree shamanism for over 40 years. During his studies of philosophy and Sanskrit, he discovered fragments of ancient knowledge from the time of Pythagoras, which he traced back through ancient Greece and Persia to antiquity. After studying more than 5,000 books and several ancient teachings, he succeeded in systematising the scattered references and summarising them into a compact unit. At the same time, he refers to ancient shamanic knowledge and regards it as scientifically verifiable. In a scientific manner, he succeeds in conveying the ancient knowledge in simple language. info@baum-yoga.de
Nature- and seminar-coachs