2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M      Y O G A

The healing power of a green leaf

Under the general name of "Phyllonic healing", the Indo- Germanic ideas about man, nature, his soul/psyche, etc. were explained in ancient times. The word "yoga" (Joch) was not used in the past as we know it today. The original term for this system of teachings, which is probably about 8000 years old, can be linguistically and semantically correctly translated into modern language as connection with God and nature. No one can say how this connection arises. The answer to all questions is born as if by the discovery of one's own sudden thought. God can only speak through his creations and transmits information to everything else in the human being by means of the vibratory rhythm. Therefore it seems that man does everything only by his own will. However, in fact man can do a lot of things himself, if ...

10 Trees - Healers

Quite often passing by a tree, the name or characteristics of which we do not know, we stop in front of it, mesmerised by its wisdom and power. Trees are the most powerful and impressive creation of living nature. Trees and forests have played an important role in the history of tribes and have had a decisive influence on the cultural and spiritual development of mankind. What are the properties of trees?
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e
Why did all the great thinkers, creators of religious movements, inventors, composers, writers and poets, people who invented various doctrines, which are still followed by an impressive part of the world's population, go into seclusion, become hermits and, in their majority, go into the forest or use specially designed gardens and parks? What unknown force, hidden knowledge or great mystery drew these people to this green world?
The forest is one of the most beautiful and magical places on Earth. By absorbing the carbon dioxide we exhale (or emit), forests produce the oxygen necessary for life, provide us with shelter, water, food .... Almost all spheres of human activity are directly or indirectly connected with forests.
2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M  Y O G A

The healing power of a green leaf

Under the general name of "Phyllonic healing", the Indo-Germanic ideas about man, nature, his soul/psyche, etc. were explained in ancient times. The word "yoga" (Joch) was not used in the past as we know it today. The original term for this system of teachings, which is probably about 8000 years old, can be linguistically and semantically correctly translated into modern language as connection with God and nature. No one can say how this connection arises. The answer to all questions is born as if by the discovery of one's own sudden thought. God can only speak through his creations and transmits information to everything else in the human being by means of the vibratory rhythm. Therefore it seems that man does everything only by his own will. However, in fact man can do a lot of things himself, if ...
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e
The forest is one of the most beautiful and magical places on Earth. By absorbing the carbon dioxide we exhale (or emit), forests produce the oxygen necessary for life, provide us with shelter, water, food .... Almost all spheres of human activity are directly or indirectly connected with forests.