2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M      Y O G A
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e
Lectures and workshops
The healing power of trees has long been proven. Especially in Japan under the term Shinrin-Yoku (forest bathing), which is a verified science there, millions of Japanese utilise this wonderful healing effect of trees. Thousands of other studies also confirm a connection between green spaces (trees, plants, flowers of all kinds) and health. Cognitive, social, motor and emotional development, especially in children, benefits enormously from this and are ultimately the main factors in our mental and physical development. If you would also be interested in a workshop or information evening, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
What will I learn by attending the workshop?
The focus is on the healing effects of trees, explained scientifically, with practical exercises in the forest. In the practice, the relatively simple exercises are shown, which actually enable you to restore your mental balance, among other things. The workshops are organised according to the "do-it-yourself" principle, i.e. each participant contributes to common costs and tasks (e.g. setting up camp, cooking, tidying up, etc.) Families with children are very welcome, as we want to learn a lot from and with each other - cooking together, doing handicrafts, playing, going on excursions, sitting by the fire and even tidying up make for great experiences.
Content: What is Baum yoga? Tree and human - a natural symbiosis. How do we communicate with a tree? How do I access my feelings and sensations? Discharging and recharging energies. Explanation of the characteristics of trees. My tree in the forest/park/garden.
BaumYoGa 2 - My sacred garden
Content: Explanation of the characteristics of the 10 trees. Man and the 10. Explanation of the Sacred Garden. Lying Eight. Laws of nature. Magical Forest - Power - Box Tree amulets
BaumYoGa 1 - Basic knowledge
The workshops take place in a guesthouse surrounded by nature. The perfect location, surrounded by brooks, meadows and trees, ensures absolute peace and security. Maybe you just want to spend a few days in nature with your family but lack the motivation and strength to organise it? Even those who don't want to take part in the seminar (especially the children) will find enough fun and friends together.
2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M  Y O G A
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e
Lectures and workshops
The healing power of trees has long been proven. Especially in Japan under the term Shinrin-Yoku (forest bathing), which is a verified science there, millions of Japanese utilise this wonderful healing effect of trees. Thousands of other studies also confirm a connection between green spaces (trees, plants, flowers of all kinds) and health. Cognitive, social, motor and emotional development, especially in children, benefits enormously from this and are ultimately the main factors in our mental and physical development. If you would also be interested in a workshop or information evening, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
What will I learn by attending the workshop?
The focus is on the healing effects of trees, explained scientifically, with practical exercises in the forest. In the practice, the relatively simple exercises are shown, which actually enable you to restore your mental balance, among other things. The workshops are organised according to the "do-it-yourself" principle, i.e. each participant contributes to common costs and tasks (e.g. setting up camp, cooking, tidying up, etc.) Families with children are very welcome, as we want to learn a lot from and with each other - cooking together, doing handicrafts, playing, going on excursions, sitting by the fire and even tidying up make for great experiences.
Content: What is Baum yoga? Tree and human - a natural symbiosis. How do we communicate with a tree? How do I access my feelings and sensations? Discharging and recharging energies. Explanation of the characteristics of trees. My tree in the forest/park/garden.
BaumYoGa 2 - My sacred garden
Content: Explanation of the characteristics of the 10 trees. Man and the 10. Explanation of the Sacred Garden. Lying Eight. Laws of nature. Magical Forest - Power - Box Tree amulets
BaumYoGa 1 - Basic knowledge
The workshops take place in a guesthouse surrounded by nature. The perfect location, surrounded by brooks, meadows and trees, ensures absolute peace and security. Maybe you just want to spend a few days in nature with your family but lack the motivation and strength to organise it? Even those who don't want to take part in the seminar (especially the children) will find enough fun and friends together.