2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M      Y O G A
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e

Impact of plant life (trees) on the human

and animal worlds

Ancient teachings divided the entire Earth space into four worlds - the World of Minerals, the World of Plants, the World of Animals and the World of Man. All four components are inseparably connected with each other and are in constant interaction, complementing and flowing into each other. A human being from birth is harmoniously included in this system for the full course of life and the violation or loss of at least one of the links leads to its disorder (disease) and even to premature death. Modern science with the help of new devices and new researches finds more and more scientific evidence to confirm this fact. Let's consider several such relationships on the example of Trees.

10 Trees - Healers*

10. BIRCH - rebirth / new birth Metabolism - blood purification, skin, gout, sexuality, excitement, anxiety, depressed/oppressed, clamps/shyness, rheumatism 9. FAITH - higher knowledge / cognition Stomach, intestines, bladder, fever/fever, fright/fear 8. BEECH is a carrier of life Migraines, heart matters, inflammation, compassion / empathy 7. The PINE is the origin of fire Sadness / longing / despondency, guilt, reluctance / unwillingness, dislike, disgust 6. FIR is the will of life lungs, nervous system / nerves, healing / wound treatment, tension, tightness 5. FIRTREE is the spiritual beginning Vital / spiritual energy, strengthening of the will 4. VIBURNUM - purification of the soul Bones, muscles, fascia, tendons, musculoskeletal system 3. OAK - the law of truth/justice Analytical thinking, logic, motor skills, precise movements, movement coordination, emotional perceptual purity / clarity 2. ALDER the struggle for life. Glands, emotional blockages, anxiety for no reason 1. ASH - contains the properties of all trees / tree of life cleansing organs liver, kidneys, skin / removal of poisons, responsibility/commitment to higher self, activation of consciousness space *The position may differ depending on the geographical location. Ash remains number 1 in almost all cases. When some tree species are absent in the forest, they are replaced by others, such as MAPLE .
2024 BaumYoGa
B A U M  Y O G A
The healing power of trees g i v e n by n a t u r e f o r f r e e

10 Trees - Healers*

10. BIRCH - rebirth / new birth Metabolism - blood purification, skin, gout, sexuality, excitement, anxiety, depressed/oppressed, clamps/shyness, rheumatism 9. FAITH - higher knowledge / cognition Stomach, intestines, bladder, fever/fever, fright/fear 8. BEECH is a carrier of life Migraines, heart matters, inflammation, compassion / empathy 7. The PINE is the origin of fire Sadness / longing / despondency, guilt, reluctance / unwillingness, dislike, disgust 6. FIR is the will of life lungs, nervous system / nerves, healing / wound treatment, tension, tightness 5. FIRTREE is the spiritual beginning Vital / spiritual energy, strengthening of the will 4. VIBURNUM - purification of the soul Bones, muscles, fascia, tendons, musculoskeletal system 3. OAK - the law of truth/justice Analytical thinking, logic, motor skills, precise movements, movement coordination, emotional perceptual purity / clarity 2. ALDER the struggle for life. Glands, emotional blockages, anxiety for no reason 1. ASH - contains the properties of all trees / tree of life cleansing organs liver, kidneys, skin / removal of poisons, responsibility/commitment to higher self, activation of consciousness space *The position may differ depending on the geographical location. Ash remains number 1 in almost all cases. When some tree species are absent in the forest, they are replaced by others, such as MAPLE .